Sunday, May 29, 2011


Sometimes I wish my life was a musical. Okay, who am I kidding? I pretty much always wish my life was a musical. I’ve grown up on musicals and have been known to burst into song quite randomly at any time. Oh yeah, no warning (I think that’s why it’s called bursting into song.)

The real reason for the random confession is this: I have seen three musicals within the past month, and I love it. There is something magical about them. Maybe it’s because everything has music accompanying it? Maybe it’s because you get to watch the character development and the plot unroll, all in a short amount of time? Maybe it’s because there usually are fun costumes, or sets, or characters, or _____________ (you fill in the blank)?

I can’t diagnose the cause or figure out the exact etymology of my love. Moral of the story: I don’t know why exactly I love musicals so much. But, for now I know that they make me happy. Wishful, but happy, and that’s good enough for me.

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