Saturday, May 14, 2011

An Eventful Tuesday Night

It all started off in the car. They’re doing some construction on the west side of Campus resulting in some of the roads being blocked off (code for signs that say “Road Closed” and some obnoxious orange cones). I was in the front seat of the car on Tuesday night when the driver and I turned down a road that happened to sport a sign dutifully informing us that the road was indeed closed. Instead of taking an alternate route though, the driver decided that we were meant to go down that road and consequently, we braved the sidewalk in the car. (Oh yes, you wish you were as cool as we were.) We were totally safe (I obviously lived to tell the tale) and it did make the evening more eventful and memorable. Oh Yes. Check violating a minor traffic rule off the bucket list.

After the driving incident and some deep fried ice cream, we saw the movie “The Adjustment Bureau”. I didn’t know much about the movie going into it – I think I saw the trailer once before seeing the movie. Seriously, such a good movie. It was so thought-provoking and it sparked some great conversation. I would recommend the movie to anyone, especially the religious variety.

Many thanks Soccer.

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