Yesterday my MCom 320 teacher gave my class an assignment for the week (it’s beginning to sound like he runs my life, or at least tries to – good thing I put up such a fight, code for my senioritis puts up a pretty mean fight) … anyway, the reported weekly assignment was to “give a stranger a ‘coke’.” I decided it would be relatively easy to find someone on campus, ask him/her what their favorite candy bar was and if I could buy it for them at the nearest vending machine, then proceed accordingly.
Whilst leaving the Talmage building that afternoon I spotted a potential target: a woman dutifully laboring over some gross math problem, I’m sure. I strategically selected a middle-aged woman because think about my options:
- Buy a piece of candy for a random boy. Call me old fashioned, but I don’t work that way. (Not to mention Elder Oaks would say that’s a big no-no.) - OR -
- Buy a piece of candy for a random girl and run the risk that she’ll be super creeped out and not even eat the candy bar, essentially throwing away my freshly spent 65 cents. Pretty sure that’s a lose-lose situation.
So, naturally, I went with the safe motherly looking woman who, based on her very positive, appreciative response, was happier because of the surprise and the added chocolate in her life.
And there you have it, Mr. Shayne Clarke - I left the world a happier (or at least yummier, more Snickers-filled) place yesterday. Mission accomplished.
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