Tuesday, May 17, 2011

M Com 320 Test for One, Please.

This morning as my M Com 320 class started, my teacher asked us who was going to take the test today. The test runs from May 16 (code for yesterday) until May 20 (this Friday) and yes, this is the dreaded, already hated (yes, hated in a premeditated manner. Deal with it), stupid grammar test that I desperately wanted to be done with. Call me crazy, call me impulsive, call it senioritis, whatever you will, but I don’t want this grammar nightmare hanging over my head any longer.

So I raised my hand since yes, I was planning on taking the test today. Shortly after I raised my hand, I looked around to notice that indeed I was the only one raising my hand. You may be asking me to hold the phone, but yes, in a class of 25, I was the only one planning to take the test today. Okay, that’s cool. I can handle it. I had already planned on studying and taking that blasted test today. I had mentally psyched myself out to take it today, so it was done – I had already decided.

Whatever. It’s my last semester before I finish my undergraduate education and I’m already accepted into Grad School. Read 'em and weep.

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