Thursday, May 26, 2011

First Good-bye

I said my first real college good-bye today, or at least the first one that I really took note of. Maybe it was because this was a friend who I met freshman year that it struck me so – I am about to leave Provo presumably for good.

While yes, it is sad to realize that in a lot of ways (most notably geographically) my friend and I are parting ways, we are both going on to great things. I will be pursuing a dream of mine, as will my friend.

For me, the past four years have seen a lot of personal growth. I am a different person today than I was four years ago, and if I’m being totally honest, I like the changes. It’s pretty cool to learn more about myself and to see what I am capable of.

All I’ll say is this: bring on the Lindsey 22.0 version.

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