Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Declaration, Part One

Declaration: I am not an English major.

Explanation: This declaration is not breaking news by any means, but certain classes help me to know that I picked the right profession. Today I had one of those moments.

Story: Thus far my M COM 320 class has been very grammar-heavy. This morning we discussed “Punctuation” and “Case-Agreement/Reference” and took a quiz as a means to stimulate group conversations. I sat with 3 other classmates and together we discussed the various questions we had from the quiz. Shortly into our discussion we were stumped, so we called the teacher over and asked him. After a lengthy discussion the question was left unresolved. We had no answer. The teacher had no answer and walked away saying he would ask another professor. Fast forward the next few minutes to the next question we were stumped on. Again, we called the teacher over and after another lengthy, unfulfilling discussion, again the teacher left saying he would ask another professor. Needless to say I was frustrated.

First of all, I feel like grammar should have a right and a wrong answer. I can tolerate uncertainty. I’m religious and I hope to work in a profession that does not have one right solution, but I feel like grammar should be more cut and dry than my teacher made it seem today.

Secondly, don’t mark me wrong for something when you don't know why it’s supposedly wrong. Thankfully we’re not being graded yet, but our first exam is all grammar. Yeah, not excited for that one.

Despite this minor rant, I’m realizing more and more that this class is just a means to an end. This is the last class I have to take where I have to study something I’m not interested in. Hopefully it will help me become a better writer and we can part as mutual friends in June.

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