Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I Do Not Believe In Umbrellas

It’s the middle of May and I am in a Spring mentality. So, yesterday I went off to school without a hooded jacket or an umbrella (typical), knowing that it could rain. I was only a little disappointed when I walked home from my stupid grammar test in the rain and struggled to get warm the rest of the night.

Even with experiences like that though, I still am resolute in my general refusal to tote around an umbrella the entire day to protect me from water for a few minutes because last time I checked, clothes dry and I don't melt.

Think about it. A wet umbrella is obnoxious, especially to a student. Once I have been dutifully escorted to class by an umbrella, having acted like a true gentleman and taking most of the blows for me (or in this case the rain), I’m left in a quandary with this wet plastic/fabric mess and nowhere to put it.

Would I object to an umbrella’s protection? No. But, am I willing to put up with the nuisance the entire day to save me from getting a few droplets? Not at all.

So bring on the rain.

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