Sunday, May 26, 2013

Lindsey Muir, M.S., CF-SLP

So I graduated with my master’s degree. Yeah. Kind of a big deal. Now I really have to be a grown-up. I am done with school - at least in my foreseeable future, seeing as the thought of a Ph.D. (read “dissertation”) makes me want to cry. I would be lying if I said this prospect didn’t scare me at the beginning of my last semester, because it absolutely did. But I’ll say good-bye to the life I’ve known for the past 18 years (that of a student) and grow up, or at least pretend to. That’s surreal. It’s also terribly exciting, but don’t forget the surreal part. 

The past two years have taught me a lot. Yes, the classes have been educational, but life has been even more instructive. Here are some of the things Grad School has taught me:

-       Sometimes growing up just plain sucks, but there is a method to the madness. At least some of the time.
-       Pretty sure that now I certifiably have Movie ADD. I love movies, but I’ve arguably perfected the art of multi-tasking and have practiced mostly while “watching” movies for the past two years. Now if I sit down to watch a movie I feel like I have to be doing something else while I watch it. I’m excited and anxious to break this habit.
-       I believe in skimming. Abstracts are my best friend. Oh yes. You may be tempted to do that with this post and by all means, I won’t stop you. Skim on.
-       People matter.
-       I hate Walmart. Love Pizza, but hate Walmart.
-       Parents have this strange way of getting smarter as you/they age.