Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Long Time Coming

Despite my own resistance to its advances, I acknowledge that technology is amazing and admit that I broke down and got a facebook account a year ago, just got a twitter account and am starting a blog today. However, I have done none of this of my own free will, or at least it has not been of my own design. Allow me to explain.

The Reader’s Digest version of the facebook story is this: one day I asked my madre if I could see somebody’s pictures via her facebook account. She said no and told me I had to get my own account. Thus I now have a facebook.

As for twitter and this blog, I am currently enrolled in my last two undergraduate classes one of which is MCom 320 - a business communication class. This class promises to be entertaining and helpful in my future endeavors, but unfortunately requires each class member to regularly post on a blog and a twitter. Thus this blog and the twitter account.

Technology's amazing but I am weary of some of its advances and at what cost they come at in our lives. Call me Amish but it’s true. For the sake of my MCom 320 grade though I will regularly post on this blog until the middle of June and then all bets are off.

Also, it’s pretty humbling/just plain weird to have parents and grandparents that are more technologically advanced than I am, or at least more involved in the technological world than I. This being said, I am proud to announce that as of right now I am more a part of the 21st century than any of my elders. Bring it on world.

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